A municipal advisor is defined by the SEC and MSRB (Rule G-42) as a person (who is not a municipal entity or an employee of a municipal entity) that (i) provides advice to or on behalf of a municipal entity or obligated person with respect to municipal financial products or the issuance of municipal securities, including advice with respect to the structure, timing, terms, and other similar matters concerning such financial products or issues; or (ii) undertakes a solicitation of a municipal entity or obligated person.
The municipal advisor rule was designed as a “consumer protection” rule, to heighten protection for borrowers and issuers.
A municipal advisor to an obligated person client shall, in the conduct of all municipal advisory activities for that client, be subject to a duty of care.
A municipal advisor to a municipal entity client shall, in the conduct of all municipal advisory activities for that client, be subject to a fiduciary duty that includes a duty of loyalty and a duty of care.
A municipal advisor must disclose and manage all potential conflicts of interest.
Yes, Choice Advisors LLC is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board.
Our municipal advisors are Series 50 qualified municipal advisor representatives.